Services & Support for unexpected pregnancies, early motherhood and pro-life activities.
Respect Life Ministry holds its meetings in the Hope Room on the First Sunday of each month, from 9:40-10:30 am. Respect Life encourages new members to join us in the educational effort to protect the unborn and encourage parents with pregnancies. Respect Life’s mission is to be an Advocate for Life, provide aid for the Pregnant, and to support Mothers directly.
Click link above or contact:
Christopher Burns
Homeschool Ministry
Area Catholic homeschoolers connect through St. Luke to arrange meet-ups, celebrations, field trips, and fellowship. Homeschoolers are always welcome at St. Luke! For resources and homeschool connections,
Estefania Burns
Community Kitchen Ministry members volunteer one Saturday a month to serve hot meals, primarily to the needy of the community, at our Saturday Cafe in the Parish Hall. We provide soup and sandwich meals along with dessert. Members participate by working in various kitchen duties, serving guests or by donating soup, bread or dessert.
Joyce Moak
(904) 504-8312
Catholic Charities
The mission of St. Luke’s Catholic Charities Satellite Office is to provide aid to families and individuals in financial crisis with immediate short-term assistance; to serve as good stewards of the resources given by and through the Catholic community to help those in need; and to provide counseling and pray for those in need who depend on the St Luke’s Catholic Church for assistance. Assistance is provided to both parishioners and non-parishioners. We provided limited assistance for electricity, water, rent or mortgage. A financial emergency such as income decrease or unexpected expenses has occurred in the last few months. Supporting documentation has to be submitted.
Mae Edmond
904-282-0439 ext. 114
Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach is committed to providing a wide range of assistance to those in need in our parish community and our neighborhood. Parish Outreach attends to the needs of the homeless, the bereaved, the handicapped, the sick and the dying. Parish Outreach also welcomes new members to the parish, hosts parish activities and receptions, and provides coffee and donuts after Sunday Masses. Parish Outreach is open to all adult parishioners. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Parish Outreach is comprised of various committees.
Connie Bennett, Parish Outreach President
(904) 699-8910
Food Pantry
The St. Luke Food Pantry organizes Food Distribution Days every 3rd Saturday of the month 9:00am-Noon as well as serving Soup and bread during the distribution times.
Vina Delcomyn
(904) 710-4303
Operation Blessing
Operation Blessing provides food baskets and gifts for the holidays.
Rhonda Biroschik
(904) 291-2123
Bereavement provides comfort and support to the bereaved under the direction of Father Andy. A reception (hosted by Outreach members) or a deli tray is offered to the family.
Donna Browne
(858) 336-5091
Homebound Visit
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the sick and homebound, bringing Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass. Our Pastors also visit the sick or homebound on the first Friday of every month.
If you or a family member are unable to attend Mass due to an illness and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office at (904) 282-0439.
Hospital Visit
Our Pastors also visit the homebound and the sick, whether in the hospital, a nursing home, or at home, on the first Friday of every month. Please contact the Parish Office at (904) 282-0439 to be placed on the visitation list.
If you or a family member would like to receive Holy Communion while in the hospital, please contact the parish office at (904) 282-0439.
The Knights of Columbus is an organization wherein charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism stand on the foundation that supports millions of Catholic men and their families. All Catholic men in good standing with the Church are eligible. The Knights serve those in need, and live by principles informed by our faith. They meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center.
Justin Farwell
Scout Troop 425
Romeo Deliberis