"My first observation is that there are at least 7 areas in the Church that have stained Ceiling Tiles from active leaks, there are several areas where the wall have stains and water marks from active leaks. This would indicate that the current roof system is failing. It has been reported to me that there have been several attempts to repair the roof with limited success. Replacing ceiling tiles has been an ongoing process only to have them restained. Carpet has been replaced with Tile floors to avoid further staining. This situation has been ongoing for the past Three years.
On the exterior Topside (roof) there are indications of different color tiles (repairs attempted), adding flashings and caulking. So far the repairs have not sufficiently stopped the leaks. As recently as last week (10-26-18) Friday Theresa mentioned a new leak had occurred on one of the walls.
Roofs are systems; it is evident that this roof is failing in many different areas. When this sort of problem starts happening, it means the current system is no longer reliable to protect your building as a whole."
As you may recall, the construction of the church was completed in 2002. Although the roof is only 16 years old, we have experienced problems ever since the construction was finished. A few months ago, we began investigating why our 16 year old roof had failed and was leaking, resulting in interior damage to the roof structure and to our ceiling. The main problem identified was incorrect installation of the underlayment materials that go between the plywood and the clay tiles of the roof. In the last several years, we have experienced numerous leaks. We were very attentive to them and we tried to fix problems by patching them. Now, however, we are at risk of further damage to the roof and the entire building structure including the beautiful art work inside the church. The leaks throughout the years eventually soaked through the roofing material and into the materials beneath. If left long enough, it will soak into and destroy the structural elements of the building. Roofing specialists and other experts in the field have made it clear: we are beyond the point of making further repairs. They’ve also made it clear: if we don’t replace the roof, we risk severe damage to the structural elements, assuming there’s none already. Such damage would greatly increase the cost, so we cannot wait any longer.
The cost of a new roof is substantial. After reviewing bids, the estimated cost of the 31,000 sq. ft. roof will be roughly $500,000. While we have some parish reserves and we applied for a grant to offset the cost, they are not nearly enough for this project. After several discussions with the Finance Council and Pastor’s Advisory Team, our plan is to take out a loan, but the idea of taking on more debt is not desirable.
As most of you know, we run on a pretty lean budget. I realize that’s likely true for a lot of you. We are very conscious of controlling our costs, operating within our means, and trying to be responsible with our contributions received through generous sacrificial giving.
On behalf of the Finance Council and P.A.T., I, as your pastor, am asking you - as you are able - to contribute towards the roof. Whether your contribution is great or small, it will reduce the amount of the loan that we will request. I am aware that you all have great financial demands already, and that’s why I seldom ask, as not to overburden you with requests for financial support. If you wish to contribute today, use the special envelopes in the pews. If you need time to pray about your contribution, please take the envelope home and return it later. And for those who prefer to give online, you may do so through the online giving service on the website.
Although this unexpected challenge creates a level of stress and uncertainty, we should feel blessed and trust God who is with us in all we do beneath this leaky roof. We at St. Luke Parish have been sharing our gifts of faith and ministry for over 36 years with the Middleburg community and beyond. It is that time when we need to invest to fix the roof problem on the main worship space so that we can continue to share our faith for many, many more years.
The good news is that we were assured that we will be able to continue to use the church for Masses and other liturgical services while the roof is undergoing repairs. If all goes as planned, we should start the project, which is scheduled to take 6-8 weeks, in the middle of November. We will keep everyone informed of the progress of this project as it goes along, and if we encounter any obstacles, we will let everyone know.
We don’t allow our own houses to leak, nor should we allow our House of God to leak. I pray that you appreciate the urgency of this problem and join me, so we can preserve our beautiful church for generations to come.
Please know of my gratitude for your generosity!
With prayers,
Fr. Andy