Rachel's Vineyard
A post-abortion healing retreat
(904) 885-9959
Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration and renewal. Contact Mary Huston mtliai@bellsouth.net
Florida Safe Haven Law
You may leave your baby, up to seven days old, with an employee at any hospital, emergency medical services station, or with a fire fighter at a Fire Station. Safe Haven laws were enacted in Florida in response to the tragedy resulting from abandonment of newborns not more than a week old at any safe haven facility recognized by the state laws without fear of prosecution.
St. Gerard House
A non-profit maternity home and Christian high school for pregnant teenagers
(800) 833-6073 24 Hour Hotline
(904) 829-5516
1405 US 1 South, St. Augustine, FL 32084
St. Gerard promotes empowerment through education with strong Christian values.Tthe St. Gerard Pregnancy Center helps women of all ages with pregnancy testing, sonograms, and counseling.at no charge. The Outreach program helps families in the community with food, clothing, furniture, resources and counseling.
Diocese of St. Augustine
Ministries/Human Life & Dignity -- emphasis on adoption services available
Priests for Life
Priests for Life has come to signify two distinct but related movements within the wider pro-life movement. On one level Priests for Life refers to a specific effort to galvanize the clergy to preach, teach, and galvanize their people more effectively in the effort to end abortion and euthanasia. On another level, PFL represents a family of ministries that reach and enrich every aspect of the pro-life movement. This is because priests are ordained for the people, not for themselves. PFL refers to the wider family of ministries as Gospel of Life Ministries, uniting them all in the good news that life is victorious over death.
National Catholic Bioethics Center
The National Catholic Bioethics Center, established in 1972, conducts research, consultation, publishing and education to promote human dignity in health care and the life sciences, and derives its message directly from the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Answers
"Catholic Answers is a print and electronic media ministry that serves Christ by explaining and defending the Catholic faith. We help Catholics grow in their faith; we bring former Catholics home; and we lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the truth."
Catholic News Agency
Catholic News Agency is a daily news source with global coverage of the Catholic Church. Reports from the Vatican, US, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central and Latin America. CNA is part of the ACI Group of news agencies with news available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Human Life and Dignity: As a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. The life and dignity of every person must be respected and protected at every stage and in every condition. The right to life is the first and most fundamental principle of human rights that leads Catholics to actively work for a world of greater respect for human life and greater commitment to justice and peace.