*No BINGO in Sept 2024.* Come and enjoy a fun-filled evening in support of our Church and campus by playing Bingo. Join us every fourth Friday of the month. Plenty of games, 50/50 prize, and food for all! $20 for the BINGO game package at the event. Doors open at 6:00PM Games start at 7:00PM
What is the Church doing to engage and partner with parents to support them in their rightful role as primary educators? What can parents do to take ownership in leading their children toward a vibrant faith that embraces discipleship?
Our Food Distribution is the 3rd Saturday of every month. Donations are always welcome. Please see the Pantry Door in the Parish Hall for an ongoing list of items needed.
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. When Jesus, before His closest followers ascended body and soul into heaven. As a parish, we are moving forward. The Bishop has released a statement regarding general dispensation and obligation to attend mass. Read his full statement in this week's Pastor's Desk.
The demanding and challenging request of Jesus' commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you" can be expressed in many ways. In joy, forgiveness, obedience, service. Especially in motherhood - Happy Mother's Day.
On March 10 at 7:00 pm, we will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation during our Lenten Penance Service. We have invited a number of priests from neighboring parishes to assist us. Please join us in this Holy Season of Lent in preparing ourselves for the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.
St. Luke Council of Catholic Women is collecting for "Hugs for the Homeless" after Masses this weekend and next. Your donations may be placed in the jar next to the "HUGS" Sign in the gathering area of the Church. Thank you for your generosity!
January 21 begins the 9 Days for Life Novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. Visit www.9daysforlife.com to sign up for daily prayers sent January 21-29 by email or text message, or download the free mobile app!
The St. Luke Respect Life Ministry is sponsoring its Diaper and Wipes Drive during the month of January. A Pack-N-Play will be placed outside the Parish Hall after all Masses for donations. Proceeds go to two Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Clay County: Emergency Pregnancy Services and First Coast Women's Services. Thank you for your generosity!
The St. Luke Respect Life Ministry is sponsoring its Diaper and Wipes Drive during the month of October to support two Crisis Pregnancy Centers in Clay County.
Parish Outreach is collecting school supplies to help teachers and families in our community who could use a little help getting children properly prepared for going back to school. The collection will run through September 6. Thank you so much for your support!
Our new Thursday Parish Corner Series begins this week! Join us on the digital continent every Thursday from July 9-August 13 at 7:00 PM for a glimpse into the life of the parish and conversations on our faith.
This Saturday, June 20 at 10:00 am, Mason Wiggins will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Felipe Estévez in a Mass of Ordination at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine. At the 8:15 Mass on Sunday morning (which will be Livestreamed), Father Mason will conduct a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Luke. Please join us in Congratulating and Welcoming Father Mason Wiggins!
Amidst growing concerns, Saturday's St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, is now a TAKE-OUT ONLY event. Tickets may be purchased at the door for $12.00. Refunds are available at the door.
St. Luke's Ladies Auxiliary will host a Chicken and Waffle Breakfast on Sunday Feb 23, from 9:30-11 AM. Proceeds will go to support Rachel’s Vineyard. Click here for all the delicious details!