Today we celebrate Pentecost, the day when Christ's risen life was entrusted to the Church by the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Third Person of the Holy Trinity descended like tongues of fire on the Apostles nine days after Christ ascended into heaven.
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. The Gospel reading comes from the conclusion of the Gospel of Matthew and it is the first reading that gives us the account about Jesus’ Ascension and His promise to be always with His disciples.
As we move through the Easter Season, today the Church takes us back to the Last Supper, giving us a chance to dig deeper into its meaning. Throughout His Last Supper discourse, Christ's constant refrain is: “If you love me, you will keep my commandment.”
The Fifth Sunday of Easter marks the passing of the midpoint of the Easter season. The Gospel readings are taken from the Gospel of John and invite us to reflect upon the meaning of the aftermath of the Resurrection – the openness to the Spirit of God- in order for us to bring about the ministry of evangelization and proclaim the power of the Risen Lord and His Kingdom here and now.