The Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally called Good Shepherd Sunday. The Gospel reading refers to the 10th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel, in which Jesus reveals the relationship He has with each of His faithful followers.
On the Third Sunday of Easter, the Church gives us another appearance of Christ in His risen body. It's one of the best-known and great passages of the New Testament.
On the Second Sunday after Easter, the Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday. The title comes from the amazing revelations of the Divine Mercy received from Christ by Polish nun, Faustina Kowalska, in the early years of the twentieth century. She was canonized on April 30, 2000, by St. Pope John Paul II.
It is with great joy that we gather this resurrected morning to celebrate Easter - the greatest festival of our faith that brings to fulfillment the essence of our belief that God’s love is stronger than death!