This Sunday we continue our reflection on Chapter Six of John’s Gospel – the Bread of Life Discourse. Throughout the first section of this chapter, while speaking of the bread of life, Jesus uses language of believing, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one He sent”. Belief in Jesus is indeed the very basic ingredient of His grace for us.
This Sunday we begin the five week long journey through Chapter Six of the Gospel of St. John. The lesson contained in this chapter is especially important because it is all about the Eucharist, and the Eucharist is, as the Catechism teaches us, "the source and summit of the Christian life" (Catechism #1324). That's a serious claim, and we would be wise to learn more about it.
It is our friendship with Christ that supplies us with the strength and wisdom we need to be truly successful in the roles the Lord calls us to serve as His faithful witnesses. Because in truth we find rest, spending time in prayer, study, giving freely of ourselves to others and time alone with God, in order to experience the loving compassion of His most Sacred Heart.