We have an open chair for you. Come as you are! Join us Wednesdays for: Walking with Purpose Catholic women's ministry We will journey through Scripture together for an eight-lesson Bible study Begins February 2nd
On this first Sunday after Christmas, the Liturgy invites us to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth. God wanted to be born into a human family, He wanted to have a mother and father like us.
What is the Church doing to engage and partner with parents to support them in their rightful role as primary educators? What can parents do to take ownership in leading their children toward a vibrant faith that embraces discipleship?
The last Sunday of Advent brings our attention to Mary- a young girl from the little town of Nazareth. The large mysteries of the first three weeks of Advent unite this Sunday into the truth that the Christ who rules the cosmos and the entire universe was once carried in the small world of Mary’s womb.
In Catholicism, joy is a state of soul equated with happiness and it is also defined as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Joy therefore is not to be understood as something superficial or immature.
This week along with John the Baptist, we have a special celebration of Mary with the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Wednesday, December 8 - a holy day of obligation.