As we begin the season of Advent, it is my prayer that we will take seriously this special opportune time to prepare the doors of our hearts and open them wide for Christ, so we can do something beautiful with our lives for Christ.
The final Sunday of the liturgical year proclaims that in Jesus the reigning presence of God comes among us in the flesh. The famous question asked by Pilate, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
As we come to the end of the Liturgical Year and Ordinary Time, the liturgy speaks to us of God's judgment and the end of time. Jesus warns us to be prepared and to be ready for the Second Coming, when He will come again and God will be all in all. When and how the very end will come is known to God alone. But this we know for sure: the end time has begun with Christ when He became one of us in His humanity, died and rose from the dead.
To be Jesus’ disciple is to personally respond with our heart between hypocrisy of self-important behaviors and generous yet often seemingly insignificant actions. True disciples give all they have, their “whole livelihood” – not goods, but themselves. Discipleship calls to give without counting the cost, counting self-gain or seeking attention.