As you all know, as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, we have suspended public Masses. Personally, this is heartbreaking. It is truly hard to look at the empty pews as I celebrate Mass, to be a “shepherd” without his flock.
Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent– Laetare Sunday– named for the first word of the entrance antiphon- “laetare” (“rejoice”). Although this Sunday liturgy invites us to rejoice, our lives today have very little, if any, sense of joy and are filled rather with anxiety, fear, and chaos
If you have any prayer requests or special intentions, please email them to and Father will be happy to include them in the Daily Masses and Holy Hour.
The Bishop states that “out of pastoral concern for the health and wellbeing of our Catholic community, and by authority as the bishop to dispense from universal ecclesiastical laws, I dispense all the Catholic faithful from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass during remaining weeks of March.”
To remain attentive and to take precautionary measures in response to the coronavirus, the following changes will be implemented immediately and likely run through March 30, 2020. In addition, Family Faith Formation has cancelled several upcoming classes and events.
The Third Sunday of Lent takes us to the heart of the season of Lent. In our encounter with Him at the Liturgy of the Word, Jesus challenges us “to know the gift of God” – the life-giving water. In the Gospel, the Samaritan woman reveals to us that the living-water is Christ Himself, “Love of God, poured out into our hearts.”
The Second Sunday of Lent grasps our attention on the power of transformation - the story of the calling of Abraham and the account of Jesus’ transfiguration at the top of the very high mountain.
Beginning with Friday Fish Fry, First Friday Mass, Stations of the Cross, and Saturday's Mass for the Nation-- please take time to join us as we gather for fellowship and prayer.