Father Gillespie’s presentation to St. Luke on Saturday was an inspirational and informative discussion on living a life Consecrated to Mary. Those who attended were blessed to have participated in this beautiful event!
There is no doubt that the life of faith is difficult, the path is narrow and leads to the cross, but for us faithful, the Lord gives us the strength needed to persevere as we “recline with Him at the table in the kingdom of God.”
St. Luke Parish set aside this past weekend as Safe Haven Sunday in order to give focused time and resources to address the harmfulness of pornography and other online threats to marriages, family life and culture.
Join Father Andy as he leads a new Bible Study program from Formed.org, focusing on the Acts of the Apostles as an evangelization tool of the early Church.
This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that the reason why Jesus, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, left His heavenly dwelling and became one of us was “to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!”
It is surprising how many of us live in fear: fear of illness, fear of losing our loved ones, fear of our own death, fear of today, fear of tomorrow. Today Jesus assures us: “Do not fear! Do not give up your hope! Have faith!”
On Saturday, August 3rd, we held a Blessing and Groundbreaking Ceremony for the St. Luke Belltower and Gift Shop. We are all very excited to see this new project get underway!
On August 12 at 7pm, St. Luke Biblical School will hold an informational session on the upcoming Biblical Studies curriculum for 2019-2020. This comprehensive 4-year program focuses on the narrative approach to Sacred Scripture, which consists of a thorough study of salvation history in every book of the Bible.