Today’s Gospel reminds us that we live the life of faith and discipleship by participation in the source of life- God Himself. God abundantly blesses us in our lives, showers countless gifts every day to enable us to live life to the fullest. Although the blessings from God come our way constantly it is up to us to accept them in order to live to the fullness desired for us by God. We need to choose to live the life of faith – our free choice, willingness, and decision in our daily conversion to Jesus Christ. We learn today that it is not enough to come eat and drink with Jesus, to listen to His teaching and preaching. There is a whole new attitude and response that is needed in our encounter with the Son God who nourishes us with Himself, who satisfies our hunger and thirst, who teaches us the meaning of the Word of God. We, as believers, need to recognize Him, accept Him and follow Him as the Son of God. Jesus Christ calls us to enter into a loving relationship with God, not just to be aware of God’s existence in a way that may or may not have true impact on our lives. Jesus invites us to participate in the life of faith by saying “yes” to this relationship every day through our words and deeds. There is no doubt that the life of faith is difficult, the path is narrow and leads to the cross, but for us faithful, the Lord gives us the strength needed to persevere as we “recline with Him at the table in the kingdom of God.”
Crux published statistics regarding abortion legality in the United States. Overall, 54% of Americans support abortion in any and all circumstances. The U.S. Catholic population mirrors the national numbers and breaks it down in ethnicity. 53% of white U.S. Catholics believe that abortion should be legal in any or all circumstances compared to 40% who believe it should be illegal in most or all circumstances. Non-white support for abortion is similar. 55% of non-white Catholics support abortion while 37% believe it should be illegal in any or all circumstances. This is some disturbing information! What are some of the root causes for such abortion support among Catholics? Is it really that outrageous anymore, that we who claim to be believers, Catholic-Christians, became a part of the so-called “throwaway society” where life really doesn’t matter anymore?
In other results published by
PEW Research Center, most self-described Catholics don’t believe the Church's teaching on the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist- that it is the Body and Blood of Jesus– the core teaching of the Church. In fact, nearly seven-in-ten Catholics (69%) say they personally believe that during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine used in Communion are
symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Just one-third of U.S. Catholics (31%) say they believe that: “During Catholic Mass, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus.” Most Catholics who believe that the bread and wine are symbolic do not know that the church holds that transubstantiation occurs. Overall, 43% of Catholics believe that the bread and wine are symbolic and also that this reflects the position of the church. Still, one-in-five Catholics (22%) reject the idea of transubstantiation, even though they know about the church’s teaching.
On a personal note, these results are truly overwhelming. As Spiritual Director of
Rachel’s Vineyard Ministry that provides the healing of Jesus to those who experienced abortion, to read the statistics that more than half of our brothers and sisters in faith support the legalization of abortion is heartbreaking! As I witness the pain, suffering, hurt, destruction of life of women and men who experienced abortion and to know that even more people want them to suffer is truly unthinkable.
I grew up under communism and every experience of that oppressive system. Our faith in Jesus in the Eucharist gave us strength, love, and purpose to live in Truth. Without a doubt is was the faith of the people in the power of the Eucharistic Jesus that brought peaceful victory over this oppressive system that led us to freedom, to bring dignity to every person, to experience liberty in pursuit of happiness given to us by God. As I read the statistics today, I wonder what has happened to us! Although it is very challenging to hear this as bad news, personally- as a catholic priest and pastor, it presents an awesome opportunity for greater evangelization.
Dear brothers and sisters, here at St. Luke, we will not settle on the latest research results but together let’s go to work in the field of the proclamation of the Gospel.
“We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets. Then he will say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from. Depart from me.’” This is very serious business and we do not want to miss out on the opportunity. Please feel free to contact me with questions and /or suggestions and recommendations.
May Mary, Mother of God, intercede for us in our work of evangelization!