Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
On the last Sunday of each liturgical year, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. This special day was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 with the encyclical
Quas Primas (“In the first”) as an observance celebrating an aspect of Jesus’ identity, rather that of His life. Conventional understandings of kingship and power are transformed. Instead of calling up images of Jesus Christ dressed in kingly robes, the Gospel proclaims Him as king, by the reign over His head, on the throne of a wooden cross–
I.N.R.I –
Iesus Nazarenus Rex Ivdaeorvm – Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
By instituting the feast, Pope Pius XI responded to growing socialism and secularism in the world. He recognized that these related societal ills would breed increasing hostility against the Church. The Solemnity was meant to elevate the reality that above all the nations of the world, there stand one King and one King only—Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe. To celebrate this feast at the end of liturgical year is to remind the people that Jesus is in not just the Lord of church or the King of believers, but in fact the King of the Universe. His encyclical reminds the faithful that while governments and philosophies come and go, Christ reigns as king forever, because His reign is experienced in humble acts of service to humanity. Even as her freedom to carry out her ministries is threatened, the Church must patiently continue to serve the poor, educate the young, welcome the migrant, visit the prisoner, heal the sick, bury the dead, and love others.
All during the past year we have been hearing the Gospel according to St. Luke and were invited to reflect upon its message and to make some practical application on the message we heard. Today somehow sums up all that we have been hearing. In spite of doubt, ridicule and contempt, in spite of rejection, violence and hate, the prevailing message of His kingdom of peace, justice and love conquers the entire universe. “He saved others; let Him save Himself…if You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself! ... Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
“The kingdoms of this world at times are sustained by arrogance, rivalries and oppression; the reign of Christ is a ‘kingdom of justice, love and peace.’ For a Christian, speaking of power and strength means referring to the power of the Cross, and the strength of Jesus’ love: a love which remains steadfast and complete, even when faced with rejection, and it is shown as the fulfillment of a life expended in the total surrender of oneself for the benefit of humanity.” – Pope Francis
On Thursday, November 28
th, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day reminds us of what we should be all through the year and not to wait until the fourth Thursday of November. Although counted as a secular holiday, we celebrate it in the Church because it gives expression to an attitude of characteristic of our faith. It reminds us of healthy mindedness, graciousness, and good cheer. It brightens our lives. It sparkles with an invisible vitality. It makes the heart glad. Each day we ought to pause to recognize the gifts given to us. Let each moment of our lives be a blessing that leads us to God with hearts filled with love and gratitude. Although it is not a holy day of obligation, please come to the Mass that we will celebrate at 10:00 AM, to offer our thanksgiving in the Eucharist- the greatest act of thanksgiving to God- the source of all our gifts.
Today, we may want to ask ourselves this very fundamental question- who is Jesus the King of the Universe for you? This time for us Catholics is the time to make our faithful “New Year” resolution, so the next year will be a year of deeper faith and greater witness to Jesus our King. I would strongly encourage you to dedicate your life to Jesus our King and His message of Good News as His faithful disciples. May Jesus be the source and center of our lives and may He strengthen each one of us to grow in holiness and commitment to make Him the King of our lives.