Today the Church celebrates Trinity Sunday or "The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity." It is one of the few feasts of the Liturgical Year that celebrates a reality and doctrine rather than an event or person. On Trinity Sunday we remember and honor the eternal God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Trinity is one of the most fascinating Christian dogmas and represents a true mystery of God– Three Persons, One God. The mystery of the Trinity is a reality above our human comprehension that we may begin to grasp, but ultimately must know through worship, symbol, and faith. It has been said that “mystery is not a wall to run up against, but an ocean in which to swim.” It is our faith, therefore, that we believe in this mystery because Jesus who is God taught it clearly, the Evangelists recorded it, the Fathers of the Church tried to explain it, and the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople defined it as a Dogma of Christian faith.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan tells the story of a man he knew who wanted to become a Catholic. He was a professor, and an exceedingly sharp guy. Cardinal Dolan spent almost a year preparing him for baptism, and they went back and forth about every imaginable issue. At the end of all that, he said he was ready to be baptized. “But,” the man said, “There’s still one thing that isn’t clear to me.” Cardinal Dolan said he thought “Uh oh. What’s it going to be? The Immaculate Conception? The Church’s moral teaching?” The man said, “Remember when you told me at the beginning that when we’re baptized, we have the presence of God within us? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Were you really serious? That sounds too good to be true.” Cardinal Dolan said he thought to himself, “Yeah, it does sound too good to be true… But it is true.” The presence of God within our souls is what defines us.
Summer vacation is a wonderful time to “escape” from the busyness of daily life, to take a break from daily responsibilities, to spend extra quality time with family and friends. Summer plans often take us away from home and unfortunately from …participation in Mass. For all who travel near or far, there is a website that offers mass schedules, locations, and times worldwide: Please plan your vacations that you will not miss to give God thanks and praise for so many blessings He offers us daily.
Next week at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass we will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Religious Vows of three sisters of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family– Sr. Danuta, Sr. Barbara and Sr. Kazimiera. Please join me to celebrate such a milestone of religious vocation of the sisters who have ministered in our community for the past nine years!
Next week the Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus. After the 11:00 am Mass we will have our Annual Corpus Christi procession to four altars located on the campus of the Church (weather permitting!). At the end of the procession, we will have an extended period of praise and worship, led by Anna Nuzzo and our music ministry. Please come and join us to bring the presence of the Eucharistic Christ into our community and give praise and worship to our loving God.
“Truth is not something we invent; if we do, it is a lie; rather, truth is something we discover, like love.” -The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen
I wish you all a blessed week! May the love of the Triune God be your guide this week and in the days ahead.