At the beginning of Lent, St. Mark grabs our attention with the first words of Jesus spoken in Mark’s Gospel, “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” After having spent about 30 years preparing for His public ministry, after having spent 40 days in the desert, eating nothing, talking to no one but His Heavenly Father, and the presence of angels, battling the devil, Jesus returns with a remarkably brief message – call to repentance, acceptance of faith in Jesus and His message as to realize the time of fulfilment.
What was this fullness of time? It is the proclamation of the Gospel of God calling us to repentance. Repentance is the foundational Gospel command and today it takes on greater significance as we are called to confront the evils of our day. Only a heart set right with Christ can see with clarity and speak with charity. In a way, we are called to establish a “covenant” with God and to be faithful to our part of the commitment, we need to change our ways, turn away from sin, convert, and then believe in the Gospel. Lent is a time of conversion, of turning away from whatever divides us from Jesus — as sin always does — and believing ever more in the person of Jesus, in His words and in His actions. On this First Sunday of Lent, we are invited to go back on a spiritual journey with Jesus. We are invited to meditate on and put into action His message from today’s Gospel. We are invited to ponder the words St. Paul shared with us on Ash Wednesday, “I beg you: do not receive the grace of the Lord in vain.” Do not waste this chance. Do not put it off. “Now is the acceptable time,” he says. The Kingdom of God is at hand now. Therefore, as an ambassador of Christ, as a direct messenger sent out by God, he begs us, “Be reconciled to God!” I come to you this Sunday with that same message.
The First Sunday of Lent brings in the life of RCIA, the celebration of the Rite of Election. On Sunday, February 21st at the 8:15 am Mass, the group of our candidates and catechumens in preparation to join in full communion with the Church will enter into the final phase of their preparation in celebration of the Rite of Sending. Then next Saturday, February 27th , they will participate in the Rite of Election, a moment when the Church celebrates the direct action of the Holy Spirit in our midst as the bishop declares that those who stand before him have been elected by God and are so recognized by the Church.
My dear Catechumens and Candidates, please know that although you have experienced true conversion of heart, mind and soul, your example of faith and dedication to the process has been a conversion experience for all of us who have traveled this road with you. Each of us have been truly blessed and touched by the Spirit of God this past year. We have grown in our personal faith experience with you and we have each encountered Jesus within this group assembled in His name. He has moved us to a new level of perception in His Spirit.
Ever since you have received the latest book, “I Heard God Laugh”, I invited everyone to make a good use of the book, not only by reading, but by accepting the “Prayer Process” that is offered in the book. Now, as many of us plan how to experience Lent most fruitfully, I would encourage you to form small groups to further reflect upon this “practical guide to life’s essential daily habits.” Please contact the parish office for small group study guides to assist you. The study guide is available in English and Spanish.
To everyone who supported last week’s Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, I am most grateful. For those of you who still pray and discern your support and participation, I hope for your generous support as well. After all, it is our “One Faith. One Family” diocesan home.
I pray and wish all of you a grace-filled season of Lent!