On this Second Sunday of Advent, our focus continues today to stay awake and alert, so no "earthly undertaking" would deter our journey to prepare to welcome Christ into our lives. The journey is about to "produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance." It is about a change of heart that will prepare us for the coming of Christ. John the Baptist calls us to prepare the way of the Lord, to make paths smooth and straight, that they may be roads leading to God. But what is the “way” leading to God for us? Is it a life of holiness and devotion? Is it about our daily conversion of heart, repentance, and forgiveness? Is it about to remove the rocks of stubbornness from our life, to smooth the path of hatred and selfishness, to make straight the destructive force of sin and temptation? Is it the way that leads to peace, love, justice and freedom? Does our witness to Christ as His disciples reflect evidence of our repentance?
Although Sunday is December 8
th – the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
– it is not a Holy Day of Obligation. The feast is actually transferred to Monday and I would encourage you to come to Mass, to celebrate such a wonderful “patron” of Advent.
A month after the St. Luke Annual Festival and careful calculations, I am proud to share with our parish community that the Festival brought an unprecedented profit of over $110,000.00! This is our unmatched record up to date and an incredible, consistent growth over the past several years. Once again to the leadership team of the Festival and to everyone who supported, I offer most profound words of appreciation and gratitude. The Festival and its success is just another way how we proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the Middleburg community and beyond. We should be very grateful for the gift we share as parishioners of St. Luke!!!!
I have other awesome news to share with you! Matthew Kelly, the founder of
Dynamic Catholic is also working on another initiative called “Dynamic Parish”. We, St. Luke Parish, were invited and selected as one of 60 parishes out of 15,000 in the country to partner in an exciting five-year partnership between our parish and
Dynamic Catholic. Each of the five years of the initiative has been designed to measure the increase in the number of “Dynamic Catholics” (i.e. highly engaged members of the parish). Through a significant research study, Matthew Kelly determined that Dynamic Catholics have 4 attributes in common: pray for 10 minutes or more per day, study the faith in an intentional way, be generous in sharing their financial resources and time/talent in service, and evangelize others. Through the generosity of its benefactors,
Dynamic Catholic will provide all resources, programs, events, consulting and pastor coaching entirely for free for the duration of the five-year partnership. Here we come, St. Luke– Dynamic Parish!
We have also begun work on some parking improvements. In the last year we have started to replace some of the burned out old parking lights with new and more efficient LED lights. The decision not only saves money on electricity but also very significantly increases the brightness and security of the parking lot.
We have finished the installation of the Stained Glass Windows in the church. The “Modern Day Saints”, “Witnesses of the Resurrection”, and Community Windows of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary are all installed. I am also happy with the progress of the construction of the Bell Tower/Gift Shop. Once this project is completed we will schedule the dedication of both projects as we plan to invite the entire parish community to join in such a beautiful celebration.
This weekend, we begin our Advent Parish Mission under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Chris M. Alar, MIC, “Father Joseph”– Director of the Association of the Marian Helpers, who will focus on the gift of God’s mercy. On Wednesday, December 11
th, at 7:00 pm at the conclusion of the Advent Mission, we will have our Parish Advent Penance Service.
May Mary, the Mother of Jesus, intercede for us, so we can have a blessed Advent!