Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family. The family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph provides a model for Christian family life and for domestic life, in general. Our family life becomes sanctified (holy) when we live the life of the Church within our homes.
Family becomes the “Domestic Church” or “Church in miniature”- for it is within the family, making Christ and His Church the center of family life and individual life, that we form our first ideas about life and love, about God, and His Church.
“The Christian home is the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family home is rightly called "the domestic church," a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.” (CCC #1666)
Holy Family Sunday is also a special celebration for the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family who serve in our parish. The spiritual foundation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family comes from the Holy Family whose unity was based on the Holy Trinity. Therefore, "we need to, even in mere fraction, know more deeply the life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Granted God's grace, we have to try to follow in their footsteps" (
Blessed Boleslawa Lament). Through fulfilling their charismatic vocation, the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, called by God, work toward the unity among Christians, with love, respect, humbleness, and simplicity toward each other and all people we come in contact with. At the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, the Sisters will renew their religious vows and promises. Please attend and pray for their ministries.
This week on Wednesday, we will celebrate the New Year – 2020! On New Year’s Day, the Church honors Mary under the special title of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God–
a holy day of obligation. The title- Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God– is one of the most outstanding characteristics of Mary in her willingness to know and do God’s Will. Today, as we continue with Christmas joy, we ponder with Mary the Mystery of God’s presence, and thus inspired by her example, we, too, strive to recognize the Word being flesh that found His dwelling place among us.
As part of our New Year’s celebration, many people will make new commitments, new resolutions- to lose weight, quit smoking or drinking, reduce stress, get out of debt, or keep the house clean. These are all helpful goals to try to achieve. As we enter this New Year together, I want to invite every one of us to grow in holiness as our new year’s resolution. As you know we entered into a partnership with Dynamic Parish initiative and at Christmas everyone who joined us for Mass received the book, “Rediscover the Saints.” The book tells life stories of many individuals who eventually became saints as they pursued their true selves, collaborating with God and the power of the Holy Spirit and discovered all God-given potential to become the best version God created them to be. “There are two questions that confront the people of every place and time, questions that confront you and me today: Are you satisfied with the direction the world is moving in? Are you satisfied with your life? These questions are always before us, within us, around us. They are part of our spiritual quest and part of our human quest.” Let this New Year be for us an opportunity to experience holy moments. “A holy moment is a moment when you make yourself completely available to God. You set self-interest aside, you set aside what you want to do or feel like doing, and for that moment you do exactly what you sense God is calling you to do. Life is difficult and messy; there is no point trying to mask that or pretend otherwise. But every situation you encounter is in need of one thing: a holy moment.”
Let us commit to live holy lives and long to encounter “holy moments” this New Year. My prayer and wish for all of you is that through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, she will guide us to a closer and more faithful encounter with her Son, Jesus Christ.
Our beautifully decorated church for Christmas was an effort of so many people who came together to transform our worship space into modern Bethlehem. I want to express my profound words of thanks and gratitude to everyone who in any way helped with cleaning, supporting, organizing and decorating our church. Job well done once again!
The Feast of Epiphany in our parish invites to celebrate the Annual Ethnic celebration. Next Sunday, January 5
th, after the 11:00 am Mass in the parish hall, members of different ethnic groups from our parish will share some of the finest examples of their cultures and tradition. Please come and join us in our celebrations!
Together with Fr. Xaviour, we wish you a holy, happy, peaceful and joy-filled New Year 2020!