Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Traditionally on the first Sunday after Christmas, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family - the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The celebration marks the fundamental truth that when the Son of God became man, when the Word became flesh, He became flesh as a little child within a family. His family became the model of love for God and each other, for trust, prayer and obedience in fulfilling their roles as members of a family. Our scripture readings today reflect on aspects of family life including the duties and blessings that come about as a result of the faithful living of family life. Understanding what a family is, it is critically important to understand life with God.
This year on December 8th, as the Church celebrated the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis declared this liturgical year- from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021- to be dedicated to Saint Joseph through his apostolic letter Patris Corde(“With a Father’s Heart”). In our world that struggles with fatherhood, manhood and masculinity, the Universal Catholic Church dedicates the entire year to the fatherhood of Saint Joseph and how his fatherhood was an icon of God, the Father’s heart for us, His children. During this Christmas season and the entire Year of St. Joseph, may our hearts be led to reflect upon the life of our families through the fatherhood of St. Joseph!
Holy Family Sunday is also a special celebration for the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family who serve in our parish. The spiritual foundation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family comes from the Holy Family whose unity was based on the Holy Trinity. Therefore: "We need to, even in mere fraction, know more deeply the life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Granted God's grace, we have to try to follow in their footsteps" (Blessed Boleslawa Lament). Through fulfilling their charismatic vocation, Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family are called by God to work toward the unity among Christians, with love, respect, humbleness, and simplicity toward each other and all people we come in contact with. According to the Mother Foundress, “We should gain our strength from the unity with Eucharistic Jesus and devotion to His Divine Heart. Our love to Jesus' Heart has to have the element of gratification” (Constitution). Please pray for the sisters with gratitude for their service, ministry and presence in our parish!
This Friday, January 1st, will bring us to celebrate the New Year– 2021! On New Year’s Day the Church honors Mary under the special title of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God – a holy day of obligation. The title- Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God– is one of the most outstanding characteristics of Mary in her willingness to know and do God’s will. Today as we continue with the Christmas joy, we ponder with Mary the Mystery of God’s presence and thus inspired by her example, we, too, strive to recognize the Word being flesh that found His dwelling place among us.
On this New Year's Day, together with Fr. Xaviour, Deacon Steve, the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family, Parish Staff and the Pastor’s Advisory Team of St. Luke Parish, I wish you all God's blessings for the whole year to come. May God bless you and your families- that transformed by the power of faith we may bring God's love and joy to one another and to this world that hungers so much for His presence. May Mary the Mother of God, may her Son- the Prince of Peace continue to intercede for deep and lasting peace and true love in our hearts. May the Lord bless you every moment of this New Year 2021!
Holy Family – pray for us! St. Joseph – pray for us!