Feast of Our Lady of La Leche
Today, our local church of the Diocese of St. Augustine celebrates the feast of Our Lady of La Leche. It was on September 8, 1565, when under the command of General Pedro Menéndez de Aviles, a fleet of ships arrived on the shores of what we know today to be St. Augustine. After ceremonial Veneration of the Cross, thus proclaiming this land in the name of God (Nombre de Dios) Father Lopez celebrated Mass at a rustic altar made of wood. The sky served as the roof for what was the first parish Mass in what is now the United States. It was on this sacred ground that the Spanish settlers would begin devotion to Our Lady of La Leche, Nuestra Señora de La Leche y Buen Parto, Mary nursing the infant Jesus. In the early 1600s, the Spanish settlers of St. Augustine established the first Shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United States.
Today, more than 450 years later, an image of Our Lady of La Leche – Our Lady of the Milk and Happy Delivery – graces a small mission chapel in the heart of what is lovingly referred to as the “sacred acre.” Pilgrims come from all parts of the world to pray for her powerful intercession. They pray for fertility, for the health of their children, for safe delivery of those expecting. Their prayers continue to be answered, and many return in thanksgiving to share with us their stories. We are invited to join them – to stand on holy and sacred ground where the story of the conversion of hearts and the graces of Mary continues.
On October 11, 2019, this America’s oldest Marian Shrine has been elevated to a National Shrine by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). "Mary recognizes the living God who closes the door to the mighty of this world and raises up the little ones, the poor in spirit, who are blessed by God. She praises God in his great mercy towards those who obey him and open their hearts to him." -Bishop Estevez
This weekend we present to our parish community the Annual Stewardship Report for the fiscal year 2019/2020. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, but more importantly in the spirit of stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure, we want to share with you the fruits of our labors of love, our sacrificial support and dedication of our lives. You will find in this report information on the pastoral activities and financial status of our parish. Our parish is a spiritually and financially healthy community. Thank you for your sacrificial contributions in support of the stewardship as your way of life. I am very grateful for the many ways you make St. Luke Parish a blessed community. Please join with me in offering thanks to one another, and raising praise to God who has invited us to be His good stewards.
As we look ahead, especially during these coronavirus-challenged times when everyone’s life was affected, I need to ask for your greater generous financial support. Please trust us that your support is critically important. The last few years, but especially the last six months, our income has declined significantly, while our expenses have stayed about the same. Please consider signing up for on-line giving and increase your sacrificial and generous support. This is our time to support the mission of our faith community.
I am also most humbled and grateful for the outpour of your love, prayers, and wishes for Fr. Xaviour and myself. Please be assured of our gratitude as we pray for each and every one daily. We are blessed to be at your service.
Next week, we will celebrate the Patronal Feast Day of St. Luke. Bishop Estevez will celebrate Mass at 11:00AM. Due to social limitations and other CDC guidelines related to the pandemic we will not have our Annual St Luke Picnic.
I wish you a blessed week! Stay safe and be healthy!
Our Lady of La Leche – pray for us!
With prayers,