As we approach the end of the Liturgical Year of the Church, the scripture readings bring our attention on the end times. Today, we reflect upon one of the biggest questions of human history When? In truth, when or how our world will end- we have no idea. The end may be a very long way ahead or using the awesome technology we humans have developed, we could bring it to an end in a relatively short time. "But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
The tendency of popular culture today is to avoid thinking about the end times, although some especially in the political field tend to get into the prediction field, to remind us that the world may come to an end pretty soon. The good news is that they operate on a whole different paradigm that excludes God, His coming and judgment. So, popular culture tells us to enjoy ourselves while we can here on earth and not to worry about the bigger story. As a chaplain to the Jacksonville Jaguars team, it reminds me that our attitude is like to tell the football players to enjoy their game by sitting on the sidelines and working on a cell phone. It is my experience that all the football players I know, enjoy the game by preparing, practicing, and playing hard and doing their best to win. They know that there is never time in half-time, that the fourth quarter is right around the corner, and the clock is winding down, and the last minute will soon run out. And when it does, when they make their way into the locker room- sweaty, bruised, exhausted- they want only two things: to know that they have won, and to know that they pushed themselves as hard as they could to do their part well.
Jesus is reminding us that our lives are like that. They will come to an end. The fourth quarter is on its way. But there is a difference. A football player can give his all individually, and his team can still lose. On his way to the locker room he can be satisfied with his own performance, but disappointed at the outcome. But that's not the case with us. If we play well, we win – and this is the promise we have from God. If a Christian gives his or her all, we as Christians and disciples of Jesus should spend our life fighting to be more like Christ each day in spite of hardship and persecution, opposition and rejection, with trust and confidence to never give up, "by your perseverance you will secure your lives."
It is with utmost appreciation that I express my thankfulness for the success of the St. Luke’s Annual Festival we celebrated last weekend! My words fail to offer my deepest and most sincere gratitude to the entire Festival Core Team under the leadership of John Jordan - Director of the Festival, Directors of Operations and Food - Ted Neal and Mike Arsenault, Kristen Barreto and Parish Staff, supportive committees and host of parishioners who so generously came together to offer their time and talent to contribute to the success of the festival. Together with loving commitment and dedication, with very favorable weather, we delivered an incredibly successful event– the best ever!!!!! The remarkable efforts of the leadership and parishioners alike as so many took the responsibilities to step forward and to pull together to serve the parish is an amazing sign of the spirit of our St. Luke Parish family. It was an incredible witness of our faith in actions to reflect the love we have for one another and beyond. The numbers are not finalized at this time, but the gross income with a very focused budget, indicates a solid financial benefit. To our sponsors, supporters, benefactors, friends, visitors, and everyone who came to join us, who supported, and participated in this community building event- I am forever thankful. May the love of God that you all came to share and witness with one another so generously, continue to be a blessing in your life and an inspiration for all of us to follow. See you on the festival grounds next November 6-8, 2020 !!!!!!
As we enter this week, let us pray for the grace to persevere in our faith, even amidst adversities and difficulties. Jesus promises that those who remain faithful, who keep their focus on Christ, and who persevere, they will secure a place for themselves in heaven. The faithful steward can be assured that “
the sun of justice” will shine on them.