With the celebration of the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, we entered the month of July– the month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. July is also vacation time in full swing- the time of summer heat, traveling, and relaxation. It is also a time when our journey of faith continues to invite us to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus and the significant role Christ plays in our lives. So together with the Gospel of Luke we continue to follow Jesus on His way to Jerusalem.
Today we encounter of what it means to be a disciple of Christ: to follow Him so closely that His priorities become our own, His message our message, His mission our mission, His zeal, love, generosity, kindness and compassion for others our own.
In the Gospel, Jesus for the first time appointed seventy-two of His disciples and sent them out in the surrounding countryside in pairs to proclaim the message of the Gospel. He, Himself, taught them. Perhaps the 72 appointed included the twelve apostles and 60 of whom we would call today “lay people.” He prepared them for the mission with a very stark message, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.” And then He gave them a set of strict instructions- to take only what they need and rely on the charity of others, while at the same time generously offering the peace of the Kingdom they are about to proclaim. This is a difficult task, as they are "lambs among wolves." Yet their message fulfills Isaiah's oracle proclaimed in the First Reading: "The Lord's power shall be known to his servants." While the mission of the seventy-two brings joy, the Second Reading and prayers draw our attention to the cross of discipleship. In the reading from Galatians, Paul boasts in Christ's cross, for through it God "raised up a fallen world." While we may rejoice that our "names are written in heaven," we cannot ignore what lies between here and there.
At this time when so many take vacation, I want to offer the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for our summer reflection: “Summer vacations, it's not about leaving for the sake of leaving and resting, but rather it's about living our relationships with our loved ones in a new way with God…Jesus invites us to come to him, to trust him. To have faith in his presence that gives us the serenity of one who knows he is always loved by the Father. Place an emphasis on reading God's Word, especially the Gospel, which you are sure to put in your holiday luggage!”
Since summer plans often take us away from home and unfortunately from participation in Mass, for all who travel near or far, I want to share with you a website that offers mass schedules, locations, and times worldwide: www.masstimes.org. Please plan your vacations that you will not miss to give God thanks and praise for so many blessings He offers us daily.
I would like to bring to your attention the Stained Glass Window Project, but especially the two Community windows of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are to be dedicated to the entire parish community. Please see the pink envelopes in your pews to consider supporting this last aspect of this project. Please know of my gratitude for your generosity.
Let us reflect this week upon our everyday commitment as Christian disciples, as we are called to be among the 72 the Lord calls and sends out. All of us are supposed to be laborers in the fields helping Christ bring in the harvest. How are we to carry out this apostolate of sharing the Gospel of Christ in our mission territory, our vineyard- the Greater Middleburg area?