Blessing for Indepen-
dence Day
There is a saying, "To those whom much is given, much is expected." That saying is from “Uncommon Wisdom of John F. Kennedy: A Portrait in His Own Words.” That saying should sum up our thoughts as we celebrate the founding of our country. As we look at our history, we may easily see that much has been given to this country, and many have sacrificed to make sure we have kept those gifts. However, our faith informs us that a gift reaches its ultimate good only when it is given away freely.
We have many gifts, and our country has a long tradition of giving many gifts to other nations. Moreover, sometimes it seems as if those gifts are not appreciated. Nevertheless, we continue to give. Let us pray for this great country of the United States of America:
God our Father, from whom all good gifts come,
we are thankful for rest and food.
Grant that, in all we do or say,
we keep your goodness always in our thankful hearts.
We entreat you to bless all those who work to keep us safe,
and ask your blessings on all those who work
to share our blessings with others around the world.
We ask all this in the name of our brother and Savior, Jesus.