Today we celebrate Pentecost, the day when Christ's risen life was entrusted to the Church by the gift of the Holy Spirit.The Third Person of the Holy Trinity descended like tongues of fire on the Apostles nine days after Christ ascended into heaven. At the moment when the apostles are at their most frightened, going so far as to hide in a secret location, God bursts into the space like “a strong driving wind.” God assures the apostles that even in the depths of their despair, they are not beyond the reach of God's protective, empowering, and loving care. The power of the Spirit of God celebrates the moment when the Church “goes public”: the frightened men in the upper room are emboldened by the Holy Spirit to go out and proclaim the Good News, and the Holy Spirit helps them to be understood. Some see this moment as reversing what happened at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9): if the pride and selfishness of men led them to division and misunderstanding, the Spirit of the Lord brings them back together again into one people through reconciliation with God and with each other. Furthermore, in the Holy Spirit, the prophecy of "Emmanuel" (God-with-us) takes on unimaginable proportions: not merely God among us, as in the Incarnation, but God within us, a guest in our souls, a guide for our life's journey, a personal trainer for our spiritual fitness. This is the gift we celebrate today on Pentecost. God himself has come to be our constant companion in life. What greater gift could Christ have left us?
The end of May is also the time of graduations. In a very special way, I want to congratulate the 8th Grade class from Annunciation Catholic School that will celebrate their Graduation Mass on Tuesday, May 30th. May our loving God continue to shower His blessing upon you as you advance on a new chapter of your lives. Embrace the values of Catholic Education that you received and apply them generously in your lives daily.
This year, our parish will host a seminarian for a year of pastoral internship - Kenneth Laybourn. Ken was born in Boynton Beach, FL, and his family currently lives in Satsuma, FL. Ken finished his fourth year in major seminary and will start my pastoral year at St. Luke as a Second Theologian. He went to the University of North Florida in Jacksonville for undergraduate studies, and then to Saint John Vianney College Seminary in Miami for his graduate studies in philosophy. Ken is very excited to be at St. Luke for the next year. Please join me to welcome Ken into our community during this significant time in his priestly formation and keep him in your prayers.
This Monday, May 29th, we celebrate Memorial Day. On this special day we remember those who have died in the service of our country. In the gathering area of the church, we have a special place where we honor all who died for the sake of freedom and liberty of the country with a special Book of Remembrance.
With the celebration of Pentecost, the season of Easter comes to its glorious conclusion. The color of vestment will change to green and the solemn and joyful proclamation of “Alleluias” will be lessened but our faithful mission of the Church continues to grow through our lives empowered by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
To all graduates – Catholic and Public Schools - I offer my deepest and most sincere assurance of my prayers and support. Please remain faithful in your commitment to bear witness to Jesus Christ with joy!
“Happiness is to be found only in the home where God is loved and honored, where each one loves, and helps, and cares for others.” -Bl. Theophane Venard
Let us with joy continue the saving mission of Jesus as His faithful disciples, one holy moment at a time.