It is with great joy that I introduce the launch of a new and most exciting initiative in our parish called
Dynamic Parish! Through the efforts of Matthew Kelly– the founder of Dynamic Catholic- we were invited to partner with them in exchange for a part of a five-year pilot study. Dynamic Catholic would provide nearly a million dollars’ worth of world-class resources in books, programs, parish best-practices, and regular coaching for the parish leadership team.
Dynamic Parish is an effort to help every parish in America not just survive, but to grow into everything God dreams of it becoming. After discussing it with our initial team, I said yes, because I believe our future at St. Luke can be bigger than our past. I said yes, because I hope that our parish can become everything God intends it to be. I said yes, because I know that alone we can accomplish little, but together, with God’s grace, there is almost no height we cannot reach.
This weekend at all Masses we will take the first step to introduce the idea of
Dynamic Parish to the entire community via a special video presentation. Our next step in this Dynamic Parish initiative, is to take a deeper look at where we have been, where we are, and where we hope to go in our individual faith lives and as a community. Next weekend, February 2-3, we will be taking the Dynamic Catholic Bigger Future Survey. No matter where you are in your faith life, I invite you to join us so that we can better identify the next step in our collective journey toward having a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and each other. The third initial step of the process is the “Dream Event” scheduled in the church on Saturday, February 15, at 10:00 am. Please keep these dates marked on your calendar.
I couldn’t be more excited about what this new relationship can bring, and I hope that it primarily helps each and every one of us and our loved ones take the next right step toward a deeper relationship with God. So, as we embark on this exciting journey, I ask you to please pray for our parish, for Dynamic Catholic, for this new partnership, and for one another. May this new endeavor help all of us to more authentically prepare to embrace the message of Jesus in our lives and to more fully rediscover the genius of Catholicism.
The week of January 26 – February 2, 2020, invites us to celebrate the Annual National Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme: "Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed." This theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found in Catholic schools across the country. Not only are we teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and enriched citizens in our communities, we, as educators, are growing with them. In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed. These make the difference in Catholic Education.
For us at St. Luke Parish, we are proud and extremely blessed that we can educate, form, and lead children in the values of Catholic Education from 6 weeks old to 8
th grade through the mission of St. Luke Child Care Center and Annunciation Catholic School. It is with great joy, that together with Fr. Xaviour and the entire community of St. Luke Parish, I extend words of prayer, gratitude, and support to Mrs. Amy Roberts– the Director of the Child Care Center and Ms. Victoria Farrington- the Principal of ACS, for their leadership and dedication. My words of gratitude go to teachers for their love, passion, and commitment in which they inspire and teach students, as well as the support staff of the Child Care Center and the school who often go unnoticed and make their mission and success possible. I want to thank the students for being a part in building the legacy of success of Catholic Education. I thank the parents for choosing to educate your children in the values of the Catholic Church. I also recognize the many challenges you experience and the many sacrifices you offer so your children can advance and benefit in their future. Please know that in return you receive values that are embedded in the very foundation of Catholic Education. Please know how grateful I am for your decision and that parishioners of St. Luke Parish offer their sacrifices and commitment to support the success of Catholic Education at ACS. You are a blessing to us and we are blessed to have Catholic Schools in our parish!