Easter finds us, once again, in the reality of the empty tomb. That resurrected morning could not look more familiar- overwhelmed women, confused disciples, burial clothes stained with blood, angels, and scared soldiers who started false rumors. Perhaps for us today, we, too, experience similar types of feelings and emotions. Perhaps for us today, the doubt and disbelief in the Resurrection of the Lord is a result of being too familiar with the most significant event in human history. The challenge with familiarity is that it breeds contempt. Every year we stand by the empty tomb and our experience tells us every detail of that sacred morning, but in the process we lose the sense of sacredness and respect for Jesus Himself. The last couple of months we have experienced incredible chaos, fear and confusion caused by the mysterious spread of the coronavirus. Covered with a blanket of news 24/7, we withdrew from almost every facet of social, spiritual, and emotional life to look for ways to prevent the spread of this terrible disease. This situation, being so different from anything we have ever experienced, made many people wonder: where is God in all of this?
I believe that Easter morning brought a great lesson to the early disciples and can teach us a powerful lesson- regardless if we find ourselves struggling with contempt or fear because of the virus - we look into the future and imagine something bigger than today. This was so true about those who first witnessed the empty tomb. They believed in the bold future that God prepared for them as long as they were open to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Collaborating with God can animate the human spirit in a way that nothing else can. For us is the ability to dream- to imagine something bigger that today- and with God’s grace to work to make that bigger future a reality.
That powerful experience happens one person at a time. Beginning with Mary of Magdala, Peter and John and the rest of Jesus’ followers who were open to believe, and continuing even today- to you and me. As God transformed the world with His message of the Gospel one disciple at a time, so He can transform our lives and community with each one of us- one at a time. May this Easter be an encounter of a fresh start, renewed faith and openness to the power of the Spirit of God- that regardless of where we were before, the new life in the Risen Lord will be greater than our past. To help with this awesome opportunity, Easter greets us with a message of Joy that can assist us to navigate the Easter season with “Joy” type GPS.
G – Gratitude. I heard someone say that a grateful heart silences a complaining tongue. If we’re always griping, how will the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with joy? So if we want more joy in our lives, let’s start by being grateful. A simple way to do this is to write down one thing you’re grateful for each day. You’ll be amazed. P – Prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of joy. Joy is the result of our relationship with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the one who makes Christ present to us. S- Sharing – If you’re not feeling very joyful, try to bring joy into someone else’s life and you’ll be astounded at what happens in your own heart. Call someone, smile at someone, do something kind. And joy flows from that.
So, Easter GPS – Gratitude, Prayer, Sharing.
“Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples”. (Mt 28:8)
On this joyful celebration of Easter, on behalf of Fr Xaviour, Deacons, Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family and the entire parish staff, we wish you a blessed Easter. May the love of God that rose Jesus from the tomb filled your hearts with His presence.