by Fr. Andy
Today the Church celebrates the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We light the last candle on our Advent wreath as Christmas is almost here. The Gospel invites us to pause once again to reflect upon the essence and fullness of the preparation for the One who is to come– “Emmanuel …God is with us.” In our preparation we desire to acknowledge the presence of God in our lives that is at the heart of this holy season of Advent. Therefore, as our time of preparation is coming to a close, the Sunday liturgy invites us to listen to the prophet and his proclamation of the coming of the long expected Messiah.
I would like to share with you that this Advent was a very special time of such active preparation for Christmas in our Parish Community. Beginning with Thanksgiving, we have helped 109 families who received two bags of food and a ten-dollar gift card from Winn-Dixie. Christmas Giving offered two bags of food and/or a gift card, turkey, or turkey breast for 112 families in preparation for Christmas. The Annual Operation Blessing served five agencies for Clay County- Healthy families (Foster children), Kids First (Foster Children), Spanish Community, Clay County Schools, and Catholic Charities. We were blessed to have helped 310 children with Christmas gifts. During our Advent Mission Retreat, we had over 150 participants daily who actively participated in the spiritual activities of the mission. The Roof Repair Project received over $85,000.00 of sacrificial and generous giving. This is how we have experienced Advent in our St. Luke Parish community! Your support, witness, participation, and giving are extremely encouraging and such a witness of an authentic call to discipleship! Thank you!
On Tuesday, December 25
th, together with the entire world, we will rejoice in the celebration of Christmas- and together with heaven and earth- we will offer our solemn proclamation:
“Glory to God in the highest and peace to His people of good will!”
With the joyful celebration of Christmas, I welcome all of you! At this special time we find ourselves once again to make a place in our hearts for Christ to be born there and to remain with His gentle blessing there forever. With the humility of the newborn Son of God, with the trembling fear of the shepherds, with the curiosity of the message of the angels, and the awe of the brightness of the star, we come with the generosity of our hearts to be part of this mysterious celebration. I pray that this encounter will bring us closer to re-discover Jesus and a deeper meaning of our faith and to reflect upon these questions: What do I believe? Who is Jesus for me? Where is He in my life? What is the significance of the Christmas celebration for me and my family this year? In what way does my faith touch my life or my lifestyle as a disciple of Christ? What will be the difference for me and my family as I approach the newborn baby Jesus? We all know that Christmas will come and go quickly again this year. We all get caught up in our daily work, in ordinary responsibilities and cares of life, with all the “extra” preparations that will add significantly to our daily responsibilities. Believe me I know all about it, because my own life is no different from yours. I too get caught up with all the distractions of everyday living, to do just “one more thing.” But this Christmas I invite you to stop and to take all the time that you need to reflect with your family and friends on the only thing that truly matters – to look at the awesome mystery, the beauty and the majesty of the omnipotence of God, who is clothed in the weakness and frailty of a tiny and helpless baby! Take the time to see how God has eyes to smile at
you, ears to hear
your cries, arms to extend ready to embrace
you, a heart that beats for
you and to
love you, a mouth to speak to
you words of endearment and truth, a life to live for
you and to give up for
you. Take time to re-discover Jesus in your life. Will this encounter change you and bring you closer to Him?
May the Christ-Child find a ready home in each of our hearts and through these and other actions expressed in our generosity help us to bring Christ to others this Christmas!
On behalf of Fr. Xaviour, our Deacons, the Parish Staff, and the Pastor’s Advisory Team, we pray and wish all of you- dear parishioners, friends, and visitors alike- that this Christmas may find you longing with Mary and Joseph, for the place where Divine Life is to be born into the world! May you, your families, and your loved ones be blessed this Christmas with the continuous birth of His Divine Love in your hearts and in your homes. May the Gracious God, who has gifted us with His Son, bless you and your family now and always!
Merry Christmas!
With prayers,
Fr. Andy