The last Sunday of Advent brings our attention to Mary- a young girl from the little town of Nazareth. The large mysteries of the first three weeks of Advent unite this Sunday into the truth that the Christ who rules the cosmos and the entire universe was once carried in the small world of Mary’s womb. Also the powerful voice of John the Baptist is reduced to an exultant expression of joy as he leaped in his mother Elizabeth’s womb. There are no crowds pressing forward, asking questions. There are only two pregnant women as the most intimate audience to meet the Messiah and there is only one simple question that is spoken, “How does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” The Advent mystery tells us so clearly that God has a special love for apparently unimportant people and places. Do we recognize the glory of God in them? Or do we drop the veil over the poverty and pain that can exist not only in far-off places, but also nearby, and even in our hearts? Some people dread the approach of Christmas because of loneliness, suffering, broken relationships or distance from the loved ones. And yet, the message of the last Sunday of Advent is to bring the presence of Jesus to others. This is something we all have to remember especially at Christmas. We can buy kids all types of clothes and toys, but if we aren’t trying to give them true message about the Lord Jesus, then we’re really giving them only counterfeit goods. We can send out a thousand cards and letters, but if we’re not praying for others that they come to the Lord and not trying to help them to encounter Jesus with our meager words, then, to a large degree, what we’re sending is not much better than junk mail. Unless we try to bring Christ to them, we’re really not giving them anything truly lasting. Mary didn’t bring Elizabeth ancient Hebrew pregnancy text-books; she wasn’t bringing John the Baptist a cute little circumcision outfit; she was bringing Christ and, hence, she was bringing them everything– the long expected Messiah and Savior of humankind– Jesus, the Prince of Peace. As we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent, let us take the example of Mary into our hearts and to learn from her how to bring her Son to others this Advent. We all know people who need Christ in their lives, who need His forgiveness, who hunger for His love and His presence, perhaps without even knowing it. But many of us are spiritual Ebenezer Scrooges, keeping our relationship with Jesus completely to ourselves, and not wanting to share the Lord with anyone else. Mary’s example shows us the way to live Advent well and explicitly challenges and calls us to bring Jesus to our relatives and to those we know who are in need. As we enter the final week of preparation for Christmas, let us take a moment to take to heart the example of Mary and do something beautiful for God with our lives. “One thing I ask of you: never be afraid of giving. There is a deep joy in giving, since what we receive is much more that what we give.” –St. Mother Teresa On Saturday, December 25th, together with the entire world we will rejoice in the celebration of Christmas. On this special day, together with Father Xaviour, Deacon Steve, the entire staff and Pastor’s Advisory Team of our parish, I pray and wish all of you- dear parishioners, friends, and visitors alike, that this Christmas may find you longing with Mary and Joseph for the place where Divine Life is to be born into the world! May you and your families be blessed this Christmas with the continuous birth of His Divine Love in your hearts and in your homes! Have a blessed last week of Advent and Merry Christmas! With prayers, Fr. Andy