This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that the reason why Jesus, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, left His heavenly dwelling and became one of us was “to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” Just like the Holy Spirit came down as tongues of fire to inflame the followers of Jesus of the early Church to live and preach the Gospel, Jesus came down with the same holy fire of His love, to make us bearers of His light of truth, faith, and hope.
Today the Lord confronts us with the question: How fiery is your love? How fervent is your faith? Can our faith accept contradiction and ridicule without reducing us to silence? Perhaps we are resigned to the evil in us and in the world and do not stand up for what is right and good. No matter what our decision will be, it will create division and strife. The only reason for us Catholic-Christians, disciples of Jesus, to create divisions in the world is to choose to speak God’s word and preach the values consistent with the message of the Gospel.
Jesus’ message is divisive because it calls us to take a stand, a position, and clear understanding of our values, priorities, and principles in life. The decision to speak the Truth always needs to be a part of our everyday life and calls us to a radical way of living– self-giving, unconditionally loving for the good of others. As I have learned in my own life, such a choice will result in division among families, friends, societies because not all of us make the same choice to follow Jesus. Paradoxically, however, it is precisely as we remain ever faithful in our relationship to Jesus, is when we experience authentic peace, love, and lasting joy. If we compromise our lives and the message of the Gospel in order to find “peace”, to fit in or “not to rock the boat”, we forfeit the everlasting gifts promised the faithful disciples. So, what is your choice?
This weekend, August 18-19, 2019, the Diocese of St Augustine is taking a bold step to help families by celebrating the diocesan-wide “Safe Haven Sunday”. This initiative brings an awareness and provides access to practical resources that any caring adult can use to protect themselves and our young people from online risks. The family home is to be a safe haven. But the inappropriate use of technology in the home deprives it of this role and is the greatest threat to the sanctity of marriages and families today. Pornography and other online threats are often one click away, and parents can feel overwhelmed with not knowing how to best protect their children in our fast-paced digital world. Please join us with your presence and prayers in this unique event.
At Masses on October 11-12
th, the Diocese of St. Augustine will celebrate the “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and Crowning of Our Lady of La Leche,” in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the diocese. This special event aims to bring the whole diocese together and raise awareness about consecration to Jesus through Mary. To prepare the diocese for the consecration, Montfort Father Hugh Gillespie will have a Day of Recollection at our Parish on Saturday, August 24
th, from 10 am to 3:30 pm. Please plan to attend and see more information and registration in the bulletin.
As Spiritual Director for the Rachel’s Vineyard ministry in our diocese, this weekend I will participate at the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat. Rachel's Vineyard is a spiritual and emotional weekend retreat that offers a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release, and reconcile painful post-abortive experiences to begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma. Rachel's Vineyard takes these experiences in the context of the scripture and in trying to understand the mystery of death; we look to God in times of personal distress, trauma, and the loss of human life. The weekend offers an opportunity to find voice to one’s soul and transforms the pain of the past into love and hope of tomorrow. Please pray for all who will attend this weekend’s retreat!